As Thorn rushed toward the entrance of the neutral zone, Droid gunships then entered the firefight and blocked Thorn's path in the front and the landing pad behind him, cutting down his troopers and deploying commando and super battle droids. The droid fighters shot the gunships and Consular-class cruiser down, leaving the shock troopers with no reinforcements. He then warned Amidala of the incoming Separatist invasion. Thorn ordered the troops and gunships around them to get off the landing platform and regroup beyond the city gates. Shortly after Rush Clovis became the head of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, Thorn and his troopers detected Separatist fighters closing in on the landing platform they were situated in. In 20 BBY, Thorn led a detachment to escort Senator Padmé Amidala on Scipio. Padmé Amidala is warned by Thorn, only moments prior to the Separatist invasion of Scipio 'We can't get to you! I suggest you get to a ship as soon as you can! 'We're under attack by the Separatist garrison.